You have been captured by an evil dictator. He forces you to play a game. There are 15 boxes. Each box has a different amount of money in it. You can open any number of boxes in any order. After opening each box, you can decide to open another box or you can stop by clicking the STOP sign. If you hit STOP right after opening the box with the most money in it (of the 15 boxes), then you win. However, if you hit STOP at any other time, you lose and the evil dictator will kill you. Try playing a few times and see if you improve with practice.

When you are done opening boxes, click here to find out if you win.

The goal of this research is to find the best game players in the world through chains of acquaintances.

When you've played at least six times, send this game to one, two, or three smart people who might score higher than you.

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